The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast: 5 Unhealthy Communication Habits To Look Out For

communication Aug 01, 2023

Not all communication is healthy communication when it comes to talking to your husband or partner. There are specific approaches and strategies to having better conversations with your significant other especially when you're in an argument.

More specifically, there are 5 communication habits that are unhealthy and can end up setting your relationship back by motivating your partner to get defensive and put their walls up when communication is supposed to bring you closer and strengthen the connection you share.

In this week's episode of The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast, I share:

  • 5 unhealthy communication habits you need to be aware of
  • What each habit sounds like

Listen here and remember to subscribe, leave a review, and share it if you loved this episode! 


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The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast: The Benefits of a Healthy Bedtime Routine with Danielle Ubhaus


Sleep is the one thing we're told we're gonna lose out on as parents. Too bad babies don't come out knowing how to sleep through the night already right?

Sleep deprivation can really mess with you. You feel all out of sorts, you don't know what day it is, you don't remember when you last showered, and you're also a lot less patient and lot more snippy.

When you're lacking sleep, you get used to being some level of tired. You get so used to it that you don't even realize how much it's affecting you - especially in your relationship. Your relationship with yourself, with your partner and with your kids.

In this week's episode of The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast, I interviewed Danielle Ubhaus to talk all about bedtime routines!

Danielle is a mom of 4 and Children’s Sleep Coach. She helps families who are exhausted and ready for a sleep transformation so they can be the best version of themselves for their children, partners, families and...

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The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast: 2 Types of Conflict

communication Jul 18, 2023

Communication can be hard and conflict is not fun. To most of us, it feels like a waste of time, something we'd rather avoid having to experience because it doesn't feel good at all. It's emotionally draining, it's uncomfortable, and then you have to get over that awkward stage between not being ok as a couple and being ok again.

As a mom, it already seems like there isn't enough time in the day for just the normal day to day stuff so we definitely don't have the time to have arguments with our spouse. But when conflict is done the right way, it can actually save you time because it can prevent future arguments from happening. However, in order to do that you've got to know the two types of conflict there are and see which kind you're engaging in majority of the time so you can start fighting the right way - the way that benefits your relationship.

In this week's episode of The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast, I share:

  • The two types of conflict
  • How to tell which...
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The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast: How To Genuinely Enjoy Your Family Vacations

motherhood Jul 11, 2023

How many times have you gone on vacation with your family only to come back feeling like it would've been much easier to just stay home? Going on trips with kids can be so stressful and so now that we're officially on summer mode, I wanted to share this one hack I do now with my family so that we can set our family vacations up for success and actually come back feeling more connected rather than feeling like we need a break from each other.

In this week's episode of The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast, I share:

  • The one hack I use to genuinely enjoy my family vacations
  • Different ways we use it and how you can too

Listen here and remember to subscribe, leave a review, and share it if you loved this episode! 


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The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast: Surviving Summer With The Kids At Home with Marisa Lonic

motherhood Jul 04, 2023

School is out which means the kids are home. If the idea of having the kids at home all day is daunting to you with all the extra food you'll need, the activities planned out, all the driving around... then you'll want to tune into this episode!

In this week's episode of The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast, I interviewed Marisa Lonic to talk all about how she's planning to thrive through summer.

Marisa Lonic is a certified intuitive life & business coach, keynote speaker, 3x author, top-rated podcast host and the founder of Mama Work It. After spending nearly 15 years in corporate leadership positions, Marisa shifted gears to become a full-time Time Momager & Biz Momager. Through her books, courses, and coaching programs, she helps busy moms juggling mom life, work life, wife life, fill in the blank life. Her time management and goal achievement strategies have helped the most overwhelmed mamas turn their dreams into reality, even when they thought...

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The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast: Having Different Communication Styles In Your Marriage

communication Jun 27, 2023

Communication styles can vary greatly between individuals, and understanding these differences is crucial for effective communication within a marriage, especially for moms who are juggling multiple roles and responsibilities. By recognizing and appreciating each other's communication styles, you can enhance understanding and connection in your relationship.

In this week's episode of The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast, I share:

- the top 5 communication style differences couples experience
- how you can work through differences to grow your communication together

Listen here and remember to subscribe, leave a review, and share it if you loved this episode! 


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The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast: Communicating To Connect


Communication can help you build your marriage up to be connected, strong, and resilient, but only when you've learned how to communicate with the purpose of connection and building intimacy through communication.

Without intimacy, communication can feel pretty lonely in a relationship.

When all you talk about is logistics and responsibility, communication can feel empty and transactional.

In this week's episode of The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast, I share:

- what it means to communicate to connect
- two questions my husband and I asked each other to nurture our connection

Listen here and remember to subscribe, leave a review, and share it if you loved this episode! 

For more resources on how to have a happy and successful marriage, head on over to and subscribe!


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The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast: Balancing Marriage, Motherhood and Your Well-Being

self care Jun 13, 2023

If you love the episode, remember to subscribe, leave a review and share it!

There's no question that life often feels like a juggling act.

Ask any mom and they will all tell you they have a hard time figuring out how to find a balance between being a wife, a mom, and taking care of themselves.

In this week's episode of The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast, I share:

5 things I personally do to help myself and guide my clients through to create more balance in their lives so they can feel more fulfilled by life rather than torn in a million different directions and feel like they're failing all of the time


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The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast: Let's Talk About Mom Guilt with Emily Rose Hardy


Up until we become moms, life is all about us. We get to do what we want, when we want and with who we want, but then once we become moms, that all changes.

Our self care becomes non-existent and thinking about doing something for ourselves comes with a heavy dose of mom guilt.

In this week's episode of The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast, I interviewed Emily Rose Hardy.

Emily Rose Hardy is a motherhood support coach, host of The Worthy Mother Podcast, and mom of two little boys. She is on a mission to help moms reclaim their identities and free themselves from the pressures of motherhood. Emily is passionate about redefining what it means to be a mom, and challenging the societal norms that contribute to feelings of mom guilt and shame for so many moms. Emily lives on the central coast of California with her husband and two young sons.

In this interview, Emily shares:

  • Why it's difficult to prioritize yourself when you become a mom
  • Needs we have that go beyond our...
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The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast: Are You Being A Partner Or A Roommate?

connection May 30, 2023

If you love the episode, remember to subscribe, leave a review and share it!

Majority of couples who become parents notice their relationship starts to get stale. It gets to the point where their connection seems to be mostly centered around responsibilities like the home or the kids.

Have you ever stopped to reflect on whether you're being a partner or a roommate in your marriage?

In this week's episode of The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast, I share:

  • what makes a good roommate
  • what makes a good partner
  • what the main difference is between being a partner and a co-parenting roommate 
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5 Questions To Go From
Conflict To Connection

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