Start Having Less Misunderstandings And More Calm Conversations


This episode is inspired by a recent conversation I had about the dynamics of relationships and the importance of being observant. Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you're noticing subtle changes in your partner's behavior and jumping to conclusions without verifying the truth behind those assumptions? If so, you're not alone.

The Power of Observation

Many of us tend to make quick assumptions about why our partners are acting a certain way without taking the time to confirm if those assumptions are true. It's natural to be perceptive and notice changes in demeanor, but it's equally essential to be observant of our own thoughts and beliefs.

Challenging Your Assumptions

One key skill to develop is the ability to challenge our thoughts and differentiate between facts and perceptions. By questioning the validity of our assumptions, we can avoid escalating misunderstandings and conflicts in our relationships.

Communicating Authentically

Articulating our...

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The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast: What I Wish I Learned Earlier About My Feelings


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Mastering Communication in Marriage: Understanding the Difference Between Emotions and Feelings



In marriage, effective communication is often referred to as the key to successful relationships. Without effective communication, marriage challenges feel impossible to work through and what I wish I had learned earlier on was that emotions and feelings are not the same thing. Knowing the difference between the two can play a pivotal role in reshaping the way we approach and address communication breakdowns with our partners.

Emotions vs Feelings

The terms "emotions" and "feelings" are frequently used interchangeably in society. However, understanding that they are not the same is a game changer. Emotions are the immediate physical responses we experience in reaction to what's going on around us. We experience them as bodily sensations, such as a racing heart,...

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The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast: 3 Mistakes To Stop Making For A Stronger Marriage After Kids


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There's no doubt that marriage is heavily impacted when the relationship transitions from being only a couple to being a couple AND parents.

From my own experience as a wife and a mom as well as the experiences of my clients, I've observed three common mistakes that get in the way of marriage and family life being exactly what we envision.

1. Prioritizing Everyone But Yourself:

The Unintentional Sacrifice:

Many of us, especially mothers, fall into the trap of prioritizing everyone else above ourselves. It's not a conscious decision, but a gradual shift that happens as we embrace various roles. We're conditioned to be selfless, often neglecting our well-being.

By prioritizing everyone else before yourself, you are setting yourself up for continuous burnout which can affect who you are being in the marriage.

And if you're taking a closer look at all the things leading to...

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The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast: Debunking Myths About Conflict

communication partnership Oct 24, 2023

After becoming parents, couples begin to face a lot of challenges around being able to resolve conflict together as a team and ending fights.

They struggle with communicating and the arguments seem neverending because they don't know how to do it successfully and productively, and just end up sweeping it under the rug and then move on with life because there's always some chore to be done or a kid to help.

And then unsurprisingly, the same issue comes back up. So marriage feels more like being in between fights rather than something more positive and enjoyable.

Conflict is meant to be an opportunity to connect and grow with each other and deepen the intimacy you have with each other and strengthen your relationship, but that can't happen unless you have the skills to know how to resolve conflict in a healthier way.

In this week's episode of The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast, I share:

  • 3 myths about conflict and the actual truth
  • why conflict...
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The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast: 3 Things To Stop Doing To Feel More Heard

communication marriage Oct 20, 2023

One of the most common things women are telling me these days is that they want to feel more heard by their husbands.

They want to feel like their spouse is listening to them, taking to heart what they're saying, and acting on the feedback they're receiving so that they can feel like they're supported in their marriage.

Feeling heard is needed in order to deepen the intimacy with your partner and knowing how to set the stage for both people in the relationship to feel heard is pivotal.

In this week's episode of The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast, I share:

  • What feeling heard means
  • Why feeling heard is vital in a marriage
  • What happens when we don't feel heard
  • 3 things people do that prevents them from feeling heard

Listen here and remember to subscribe, leave a review, and share it if you loved this episode! 


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The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast: How Self Care Affects Conflict


Have you ever thought about how self care impacts how you experience conflict?

Most couples believe that the difference between arguments that end quickly and those that don't depend on the specific issue.

The truth is that we have more control over the likelihood of successful conflict resolution than we give ourselves credit for.

The way we communicate and react to conflict has everything to do with self care.

In this week's episode of The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast, I share:

  • what it means if communication feels hard with your partner
  • the negative impact the lack of self care has on communication with your husband and kids
  • how self care positive affects communication

Listen here and remember to subscribe, leave a review, and share it if you loved this episode! 


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The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast: Reconnecting After A Fight


Does every argument make you feel more and more disconnected from your husband?
Do they make you question the longevity and security of your marriage?
Conflict is inevitable but the outcome of conflict doesn't have to look like your marriage falling apart. When you know how to use conflict to the benefit of your relationship, you can actually grow closer together as a couple.
You can resolve issues as a team and face arguments head on because you know that you'll come out of it together stronger.

In this week's episode of The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast, I share:

  • The different outcomes of different approaches to conflict
  • What you can do to reconnect after a fight

Listen here and remember to subscribe, leave a review, and share it if you loved this episode! 


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The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast: Healthy Communication Habits To Start Practicing

communication Aug 08, 2023

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In every marriage, there are times when communication becomes a challenge. You might find yourself falling into unhealthy patterns when you're upset, leading to recurring arguments and feelings of disconnection. Blaming, criticizing, getting defensive, disrespecting your partner, and assuming are all common pitfalls that can hinder open communication and emotional intimacy.

If you would like to learn more about the 5 unhealthy communication habits, check out episode 70 first and come back to listen to this.

In this week's episode of The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast, I share essential healthy communication habits you can start practicing to replace the unhealthy ones to empower you to build a deeper connection with your spouse and resolve conflicts more effectively. 

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The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast: 5 Unhealthy Communication Habits To Look Out For

communication Aug 01, 2023

Not all communication is healthy communication when it comes to talking to your husband or partner. There are specific approaches and strategies to having better conversations with your significant other especially when you're in an argument.

More specifically, there are 5 communication habits that are unhealthy and can end up setting your relationship back by motivating your partner to get defensive and put their walls up when communication is supposed to bring you closer and strengthen the connection you share.

In this week's episode of The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast, I share:

  • 5 unhealthy communication habits you need to be aware of
  • What each habit sounds like

Listen here and remember to subscribe, leave a review, and share it if you loved this episode! 


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The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast: 2 Types of Conflict

communication Jul 18, 2023

Communication can be hard and conflict is not fun. To most of us, it feels like a waste of time, something we'd rather avoid having to experience because it doesn't feel good at all. It's emotionally draining, it's uncomfortable, and then you have to get over that awkward stage between not being ok as a couple and being ok again.

As a mom, it already seems like there isn't enough time in the day for just the normal day to day stuff so we definitely don't have the time to have arguments with our spouse. But when conflict is done the right way, it can actually save you time because it can prevent future arguments from happening. However, in order to do that you've got to know the two types of conflict there are and see which kind you're engaging in majority of the time so you can start fighting the right way - the way that benefits your relationship.

In this week's episode of The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast, I share:

  • The two types of conflict
  • How to tell which...
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5 Questions To Go From
Conflict To Connection

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