The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast: Prioritizing Self Care: The Simple Practice Every Mom Needs with Allie Mirosevic


When you're a mom, self care tends to only happen when it's convenient - when you have the time, when you have the energy, and when you remember to.

And we have it completely backwards when it comes to that!

That's like expecting the car to move without putting any gas in it.

Our self care is our gas and in this week's episode, I had the pleasure of chatting with Allie Mirosevic.

Allie is a wife, mom of two, and entrepreneur living in Los Angeles. She is the founder of Bliss'd, a self-care brand aimed at helping fellow moms live more joyful and fulfilling lives through the power of journaling. Allie discovered her love for journaling in 2019, during a challenging first postpartum experience, and now wants to help other moms experience the transformative benefits of journaling.

In this episode, Allie and I discuss:

  • the incredible impact journaling can have for moms
  • different ways you can journal
  • how journaling can help you become more mindful with life, marriage and...
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The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast: How Self Care Affects Conflict


Have you ever thought about how self care impacts how you experience conflict?

Most couples believe that the difference between arguments that end quickly and those that don't depend on the specific issue.

The truth is that we have more control over the likelihood of successful conflict resolution than we give ourselves credit for.

The way we communicate and react to conflict has everything to do with self care.

In this week's episode of The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast, I share:

  • what it means if communication feels hard with your partner
  • the negative impact the lack of self care has on communication with your husband and kids
  • how self care positive affects communication

Listen here and remember to subscribe, leave a review, and share it if you loved this episode! 


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The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast: The One Question To Ask To Overcome Burnout

motherhood self care Oct 03, 2023

Do you ever feel like you are just ONE moment away from needing to curl up into a ball and just cry because you're feeling overwhelmed by marriage, motherhood, work, and just LIFE?

As women we have so many expectations put on us and then have even MORE put onto us once we become moms.

It's seriously no wonder why so many moms out there experience burnout which is exactly why I wanted to share the one question I've learned to ask myself whenever I feel like I'm on the verge of losing my shit.

This one question has helped me overcome burnout so that life, marriage, motherhood and business feels less chaotic and more simple, intentional, and enjoyable.

In this week's episode of The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast, I share:

  • the consequences we experience when moms don't practice self care
  • the importance of nurturing connection in your marriage
  • one question I believe every mom needs to start asking to overcome and prevent burnout

Listen here and remember to...

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The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast: Prioritizing Mental Health To Thrive In Motherhood with Christine Anastasia

mental health motherhood Sep 19, 2023

Motherhood can be so beautiful and also so overwhelming and consuming. Most moms I've talked to have experienced losing their sense of self and battled with figuring out how to care for their family as well as themselves. While majority of our generation didn't grow up with an example of how to do that, we are now trying to figure out our way of doing things so that we can balance motherhood with our womanhood.

In this week's episode of The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast, I chat with Christine Anastasia to discuss why moms need to prioritize their mental health.

Christine is a Master Certified Life Coach and a young working parent. She is a mom of three and her coaching services and group programs help new moms and busy moms juggling work and raising a young family.  At their core, she believes they want to be the best versions of themselves. She helps moms prioritize their well-being in motherhood so they can thrive. 

During the episode, Christine and...

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The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast: What is REAL Self Care?


If you love the episode, remember to subscribe, leave a review and share it!

We often think of self care as something we do that we get to indulge in like spa days or a day out with friends.

But as busy moms, this isn't always convenient or possible because of time, money or childcare.

So does this mean we have to feel burned out between the times we can make it happen? NO!

In this week's episode of The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast, I dive into:

  • what REAL self care is and redefining how we think of self care
  • what REAL self care looks like
  • the benefits of practicing sustainable self care


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The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast: Your Marriage or Your Kids: What Comes First?


So many couples out there share that the connection in their marriage has declined since becoming parents.

The shift in focus puts a huge toll on the relationship and couples are sometimes realizing it too late.

If you're wanting to make sure your marriage can stand the test of parenthood and time, then you'll definitely want to tune into this episode!

In this week's episode of The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast, I share:

  • What comes first - your husband or your kids
  • What can happen as a result of prioritizing your kids above your marriage
  • When you should prioritize your kids over your husband
  • Who you should prioritize above your husband AND your kids

Listen here and remember to subscribe, leave a review, and share it if you loved this episode! 


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The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast: Taking Your Parenting Beyond Conscious Parenting with Cara Tyrrell

motherhood parenting Aug 29, 2023

We all know being a mom is HARD.

And they say that if you think you're failing at it, then you're doing it right.

It's particularly tough trying to raise your kids differently than how you were raised. You try to implement conscious parenting approaches in your home and it feels so good when you notice positive changes, but it absolutely takes a lot of mental effort to be this intentional.

However, did you know there's a style of parenting that goes beyond conscious parenting? I sure didn't until I chatted with this week's guest, Cara Tyrrell!

In this week's episode of The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast, I interviewed Cara Tyrrell to talk all about what collaborative parenting and how it works.

Cara Tyrrell is a Vermont based Early Childhood Educator, Collaborative Parenting Coach, and the founder of Core4Parenting™. She is the passionate mastermind behind the Collaborative Parenting Methodology™, a birth-to-five, soul and science based framework...

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The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast: Reconnecting After A Fight


Does every argument make you feel more and more disconnected from your husband?
Do they make you question the longevity and security of your marriage?
Conflict is inevitable but the outcome of conflict doesn't have to look like your marriage falling apart. When you know how to use conflict to the benefit of your relationship, you can actually grow closer together as a couple.
You can resolve issues as a team and face arguments head on because you know that you'll come out of it together stronger.

In this week's episode of The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast, I share:

  • The different outcomes of different approaches to conflict
  • What you can do to reconnect after a fight

Listen here and remember to subscribe, leave a review, and share it if you loved this episode! 


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The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast: How To Make Self Care Feel Less Like A Chore with Dr. Emily Jacobs

self care Aug 15, 2023

When you're raised by a mom whose self care was being selfless and giving all that she was to her family, it's challenging to know how to take care of ourselves. Especially when we become a mom ourself. Nearly every mom I have worked with or even had a conversation with has lost themselves in motherhood and forgotten how to make themselves a priority and this has got to change.

In this week's episode of The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast, I interviewed Dr. Emily Jacobs to talk all about how to make self care feel less like a chore so that you can start including yourself into your decisions again!

Emily Jacobs is a board-certified doctorate-prepared nurse wellness coach and thought leader who resides in Beverly Hills, Michigan with her husband and two vibrant little daughters. Emily’s coaching helps daughters who are worthy of more to overcome fear and guilt so that they can start living a life they love.

In my interview with Dr. Emily,...

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The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast: Healthy Communication Habits To Start Practicing

communication Aug 08, 2023

If you love the episode, remember to subscribe, leave a review and share it!

In every marriage, there are times when communication becomes a challenge. You might find yourself falling into unhealthy patterns when you're upset, leading to recurring arguments and feelings of disconnection. Blaming, criticizing, getting defensive, disrespecting your partner, and assuming are all common pitfalls that can hinder open communication and emotional intimacy.

If you would like to learn more about the 5 unhealthy communication habits, check out episode 70 first and come back to listen to this.

In this week's episode of The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast, I share essential healthy communication habits you can start practicing to replace the unhealthy ones to empower you to build a deeper connection with your spouse and resolve conflicts more effectively. 

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5 Questions To Go From
Conflict To Connection

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