The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast: Connecting With Your Kids Using The 5 Love Languages with Charise Freeman

connection motherhood Jan 23, 2023

Being our kids' mom isn't enough to keep us connected. Each of them are individuals who have unique needs to feel connected.

In this week's episode of The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast, I interviewed Charise Freeman from Growing In Love Together.

Charise is an Author, Motivational Speaker, and Founder of Growing In Love Together. Growing In Love Together isn't just a business but a movement. A movement that inspires moms to love their family beyond the surface level and aim straight for the heart using the 5 Love Languages. Loving your family using the 5 love languages will strengthen communication, love, and understanding.

In this episode, Charise shares:

  • How she uses the 5 love languages to connect with her kids
  • The most important thing to remember when connecting with your kids
  • Her system on how to involve the whole family to contribute towards the family's chores and responsibilities

Listen here and remember to subscribe, leave a review,...

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The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast: How To Stop Nagging At Your Husband


Are you sick of nagging? Women hate doing it and our spouses hate hearing it, so why do we do it?

In this week's episode of The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast, I shared:

  • Why women nag at their husbands
  • What causes us to nag
  • The impact nagging has on your relationship
  • What you can do to stop nagging

Listen here and remember to subscribe, leave a review, and share it if you loved this episode! 

For more resources on how to have a happy and successful marriage, head on over to and subscribe!


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The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast: Creating A Fulfilled Life As A Mom with Kelsey Smith


Has motherhood left you feeling like you've lost yourself?

In this week's episode of The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast, I interviewed Kelsey Smith from Momma Has Goals.

After the complicated delivery of her first son, Kelsey had the realization that while she had accomplished many "goals", they weren't goals that brought her fulfillment.

As she woke up from surgery she wondered if she hadn't woken up, what story would she leave behind? 
Would her children know what brought her joy? What she stood for? This experience led Kelsey to her own journey of fulfilment and self discovery where she had the massive realization that this feeling was far too common for mothers all over the world. Kelsey knew she needed to normalize moms having big dreams + making their own fulfillment a priority, so she created a space that helped women and mothers do just that.

Through her community, the Mommas Has Goals phone app, events, and programs Kelsey leads women to the...

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The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast: The 5 Love Languages for Moms

communication marriage Jan 23, 2023

Do you ever feel like your husband just doesn't know how to show you love in a way where you actually FEEL loved?

There's a reason for that!

What you need to feel loved may not be what he needs to feel loved.

 In this week's episode of The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast, I share:

- Why you may not be feeling loved and appreciated by your husband

- What the 5 love languages are

- Ideas for each love language to connect with your spouse

- BONUS: Inspiration for quality time with your husband as a busy mom

To take the 5 love languages quiz, visit here:

Listen here and remember to subscribe, leave a review, and share it if you loved this episode! 

For more resources on how to have a happy and successful marriage, head on over to and subscribe!


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The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast: Types of Support You Need In Your Marriage

communication marriage Jan 23, 2023

Did you know that 80% of women complain about not getting enough support from their husbands?

 In this week's episode of The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast, I share:

  • 4 types of support you need in your marriage
  • Examples of each type of support
  • Why you need each type
  • What to do if you aren't getting the support you need

Listen here and remember to subscribe, leave a review, and share it if you loved this episode! 

For more resources on how to have a happy and successful marriage, head on over to and subscribe!


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The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast: How To Manage Mom Rage with Alison Ryan


Motherhood can get the best of us. While it can be very rewarding, it can also have us feel our FULL range of emotions, including anger and rage.

In this week's episode of The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast, I interviewed Alison Ryan.

Alison is a Mama Mentor and Personal Coach who supports other moms heal rage and anger with her 1:1 Coaching. She is known to help others find their power and take action so they can live a life that feels good to them.

In this episode Alison and I talk about: 

-Why it's important to love yourself most

-How to allow yourself grace during periods of anger and rage

-Ways to check in with yourself daily to make sure you are being taken care of

Listen here and remember to subscribe, leave a review, and share it if you loved this episode! 

For more resources on how to have a happy and successful marriage, head on over to and subscribe!


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The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast: Never Go To Bed Angry


How often have you gotten the advice to not go to bed angry once you got married?

 In this week's episode of The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast, I share:

  • Why the age old advice "never go to bed angry" exists
  • The pros and cons of not going to bed angry
  • What to do if you're still angry at bedtime

Listen here and remember to subscribe, leave a review, and share it if you loved this episode! 

For more resources on how to have a happy and successful marriage, head on over to and subscribe!


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The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast: How Your Need For Control Is Sabotaging Your Partnership

marriage personal growth Jan 22, 2023

Control can make us feel safe, especially for those who identify with being a Type A go getting woman. But have you started noticing how your need for control has been affecting your marriage?

In this week's episode of The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast, I share:

  • How to grow awareness of where control shows up for you
  • Ways to stop micromanaging and be a resource for your partner instead
  • How you can get on the same page with your vision for how you want life to be like

Listen here and remember to subscribe, leave a review, and share it if you loved this episode! 

For more resources on how to have a happy and successful marriage, head on over to and subscribe!


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The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast: Time Management Tips for Moms with Marisa Lonic

motherhood self care Jan 21, 2023

Has motherhood been nothing but overwhelm and burnout for you?

Listen to learn what small changes you can make so you can get some of your time and energy back!

In this week's episode of The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast, I interviewed Marisa Lonic from Mama Work It.

Marisa Lonic is a keynote speaker, life & business coach, 3x author, top-rated podcast host and the founder of Mama Work It. She helps busy women juggling mom life, work life, wife life, fill in the blank life go from overwhelmed to empowered. When she’s not helping moms slay the day, you can find her cooking, running (ok fine - walking/running), and hanging out with the five amazing guys she calls family.

In this interview, Marisa shares:

  • What time momagement is
  • A perspective shift on time
  • Multitasking tips

Listen here and remember to subscribe, leave a review, and share it if you loved this episode! 

For more resources on how to have a happy and successful marriage, head on over to ...

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Ep. 11 - Why You Aren't Getting the Quality Time You Want with Your Spouse


This blog post was inspired by a post that I made inside of my Facebook group, if you're not in there already go in there. It's called Marriage & Motherhood. In that post, I asked the ladies, what are you craving most in your marriage right now? About 80% of them said quality time. I want to dive into that a little bit about why that tends to be the most common answer other than better communication when it comes to your marriage after having kids. 

When we have kids, not only do we birth a child, we as women go through a huge transformation.

We become mothers the second that we're pregnant, we care about the baby, and their well-being and do all the things that we need to do to make sure that they’re healthy. After they’re born, you now have tunnel vision, all you can do is focus on how to support this baby developmentally, physically, feeding them, changing their diapers, and mentally stimulating them. In the process, we put our marriage on the back...

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