Do you ever wish arguments with your spouse could be calmer and go more smoothly?
Conflict is normal to experience in marriage, but arguing doesn't have to be a part of that! (even if your parents showed you otherwise!)
The reason conflict has been full of tears and drama for you isn't because there's something wrong with you or your spouse. It's simply because you haven't learned the skills to handle it effectively, YET!
By learning how to argue differently, you could experience your arguments as disagreements instead of full blown fights where there's yelling, blaming, defensiveness or you shutting down crying.
Once you learn how to communicate effectively, conflict can actually help your marriage grow instead of feeling like it's just putting another nail in your marriage's coffin.
When done well, conflict helps you learn more about yourself and each other and feel like sitting down chatting about life and what you see for your future. It doesn't have to have all the explosiveness or intensity that you're used to.
It can feel calm, you two can feel connected throughout the conversation, and it gets to feel more like a team building event than being on opposite sides of World War 4.
This course was designed for busy moms who want to improve communication in their marriage, like yesterday, because none of us have the time to argue and get nowhere. It's draining, it's defeating, and most times, it's wastes a lot of time because it drags on for so long!
In just 4 short videos, you'll learn how to:
💎 clearly communicate how you feel and what you need in a way that will encourage your spouse to listen
💎 have a calm productive conversation feeling clear and confident, even when you disagree
💎 de-escalate conflict when the disagreement gets too heated to make it productive again
💎 set boundaries to create a safe place so everyone feels good staying in the conversation
💎 make conflict work for your marriage
You'll also receive worksheets and a guided meditation to support you learning and applying your soon-to-be acquired skills.
If you wanted a quick breakdown of how to improve how you and your spouse communicate, this is it!
This course will help you forever change how you approach communication in your marriage.
Even if you're the only one who takes this course, with consistent practice on your end... you'll notice that your spouse will start changing how they communicate too because you'll be leading by example and not fall into the downward spirals like you used to!
The skills you'll learn in this course has helped me go from WEEKLY arguments to a few a year MAX. Arguments with my husband are calmer, faster, and we come out stronger.
Which means that we get to spend more time enjoying our marriage and being life partners than dealing with the aftermath of being in a fight.
And former students have been able make this happen in their marriages as well!
If you'd like to read what students have said about this course, read below!
Since you will receive full access upon purchase, there are no refunds.
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